• Bible Stories

    📜 Noah’s Ark (Part 1) 📜

    Young Earth Creationists (YECs), come in many flavors. Some insist the earth is only 6,000 years old. Others allow it could be as much as 10,000. Some believe there was a world wide flood. Some accept that maybe it was a massive regional flood. Some think dinosaurs never existed. Alternatively, some believe Noah had dinosaurs on the Ark. I’ll cover…

  • Politics

    Vance & Walz Battle it Out

    The Trump team couldn’t wait to find dirt on Walz to dig up. The only thing they could find was… he left the military before his unit deployed? Republicans seem to be drawing much of their slanderous remarks from this PAID attack ad dated November 2, 2018. Who are Paul Herr and Thomas Behrends? Are they real people? If they…

  • Conspiracy Theories

    Kamala and Netflix and Things

    Nothing to see here – just the usual Trump and his supporters spreading false information without ever checking the facts. I want to point out I’m politically in the middle leaning right. That means I don’t automatically support Kamala. She’s done some things I find admirable, but in some things she’s further left than I’m comfortable with. Interestingly, some Democrats…

  • Lifestyle

    Houston, We Have a Fashion

    I’ve seen many documentaries about space missions, from old black & white ones to new ones, covering the very earliest missions, and on through to the present. I have found it very interesting to note the changing clothing styles of the scientists and engineers as the years have passed. In the late 50s to early 60s, all the scientists and…

  • History

    Shrunken Heads for Inflated Egos

    The 1500s was the Age of Exploration, as ships became faster and more efficient, if not necessarily safer. Adventure seekers traversed the world and brought home every kind of curiosity and artifact from distant lands. These oddities were in great demand by collectors, who clamored for the strange, bizarre and unusual, and Cabinets of Curiosity became a focal point in…

  • Points to Ponder

    My Science, My Religion

    I never intended to write this post In my cloud drive, I have a folder full of subfolders and links and lots of notes for the science and history posts I plan to write. And I have reminders about personal experiences I’ll tell about. This post was never planned, but I’m getting so frustrated, I need to write it. I…

  • Conspiracy Theories

    Project 2025

    I’m seeing a lot of alarmist posts on Facebook about something called Project 2025. If Trump gets elected (again), Project 2025 will go into effect and all this horrible stuff is going to happen. People who are scared don’t understand about Lobbyist Groups and how things work in Washington. Project 2025 is a proposal by the Heritage Foundation. A proposal…

  • Social Issues

    Political School Daze

    Here we go again with the Bible in schools fight; it’s been happening with great regularity ever since the Scopes Monkey Trial in the 1920s. Currently, Louisiana is requiring that the 10 Commandments must be displayed in public schools, and Oklahoma says that schools must teach the Bible in the classroom. No doubt that’s only the beginning, and more states…

  • History

    Movin’ on Down… Under, That Is.

    Francis Howard Greenway was born in Gloucestershire, England in 1777. You probably never heard of him. He grew up and became a successful and talented architect until 1809, when unfortunate circumstances led to his bankruptcy. Undeterred, he tried to recover his fortune by counterfeiting financial documents. Accomplished architect he may have been, but he was not so proficient at forgery,…

  • Uncategorized

    A Sucker Born Every Minute

    I wasn’t sure how to start this post, so I think I’ll just start with the backstory. It was the early 90s and I was homeless for the umpteenth time. My mother wanted me to come here, but Charles wouldn’t let me. He had made no secret since I was a child that he “hated my guts” (his words). I…

  • Conspiracy Theories,  Nature

    The Joro Spider

    Yet another case of people sharing alarmist memes without checking the facts. Even some of the news media are spinning the misinformation. The Joro Spider (Trichonephila clavata), is related to golden orb garden spiders, which many people are familiar with. The Joro is found in many areas in Asia, but since about 2013 or 2014, it’s been spreading throughout parts…

  • Uncategorized

    Avoid Scams on Facebook!

    (IMAGE HEAVY POST) So many scams on Facebook. So many people miss the warning signs and fall for them! They’re easy to spot if you learn what to look for. The scammers use fake profiles. The groups they join are public so the post can be shared by the uninitiated. What do they get out of it? In the case…