Project 2025

I’m seeing a lot of alarmist posts on Facebook about something called Project 2025. If Trump gets elected (again), Project 2025 will go into effect and all this horrible stuff is going to happen.

People who are scared don’t understand about Lobbyist Groups and how things work in Washington.

Project 2025 is a proposal by the Heritage Foundation. A proposal is something that a lobbyist group presents to Congress saying, this is something we would like to see happen. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of lobbyist groups presenting hundreds of proposals all the time. 99.999% of proposals fail. Congress looks, says nah, and goes on to the next proposal.

On the rare occasions a proposal seems to be worth considering, it goes through a long drawn out process. Maybe a committee analyzes it. Maybe the committee says, this might be worth thinking about. Maybe someone draws up a bill. The bill will usually die before it gets started, but if it’s the one in a thousand that makes it as far as a vote, it will probably still die.

Stop being so worried because alarmists are trying to scare you. Proposals do not automatically go into effect just because a president got elected. It doesn’t work that way.

This is one of the memes going around. Click Here to see the full size.

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