• Politics

    Vance-Walz Debate

    I’ll keep this short by not doing any fact checking. This debate was relatively civil, which was a refreshing change. Compared to the Trump-Harris debate, both men spent more time discussing policies and less time tearing each other down. Walz I think he mostly did ok, but his response to the Hong Kong question bothered me. A lot. Vance My respect for him rose a notch in that he spoke strongly and decisively without lapsing into the incoherent ramblings that Trump is known for. However, I was annoyed no end that he spent so much time regurgitating the false information that Trump is always spewing. I was also irked by…

  • Politics

    Trump’s Troublesome Tariffs

    One of Trump’s big talking points is his proposal to raise tariffs on everything that we import. He says that it will bring back manufacturing and lower prices. Trump already raised tariffs on a lot of things during his first term. He especially targeted China and imposed a 25% tariff on many types of goods from that country. Biden decided that wasn’t good enough, and raised Trump’s 25% to 100%. Now Trump wants to raise the rates again, not only on Chinese goods, but on everything from other countries as well. Enough already! I want manufacturing to come back to the U.S. as much as anyone, but raising tariffs is…

  • Ancient Western Civilization,  Biblical History

    ๐Ÿ“œJesus vs. Rome๐Ÿ“œ

    Now and again, I come across some variation of this question: “If Jesus existed, why wasn’t he mentioned in the Roman records?” After all, just about everything that happened in Rome was written down, right? Well, not really. Romans were obsessed about record-keeping. The Senate kept an extensive law library. Merchants kept records of their inventory, dealings and expenses. Many wealthy individuals wanted to be remembered, so they would have stelae engraved with their accomplishments and placed in some prominent spot. Emperors and military generals and other important people had secretaries and chroniclers to write their life stories and record their great deeds (that’s why we know so much about…

  • Conspiracy Theories

    Mini Moon Madness

    You’ve probably heard about the Mini Moon that will be visiting Earth for a few weeks this fall. This is an tiny asteroid named 2024PT5. And boy howdy, the conspiracy theories are oozing out of the woodwork. Everything from, It signals the coming of the Anunnaki to “They” are planting it in the sky to divert our attention from some unnamed nefarious activity they will be engaging in. It’s probably no surprise that many who find 2024PT5 alarming are also believers in a Flat Earth There are more than 34,000 known near-Earth asteroids and another 120 known near-Earth comets. Now and again one gets too close to the Earth and…

  • Politics

    Harris vs. Trump: Debate + More

    I wanted to post this the day after the debate, but I didn’t have time. If you ever wonder why I take so long to publish the next blog post, it’s because life. It gets in the way a lot. What Annoyed Me Both candidates spent more time tearing each other down than saying what they would do to fix things. Harris was asked: Is the economy better than it was 4 years ago? She didn’t answer. She launched into a spiel about how she was raised middle class, and vaguely explained what she would do to fix the economy. Trump was asked about Jan 6. He initially evaded the…

  • Conspiracy Theories

    Flat Earth Conspiracy

    Most people who believe in the Flat Earth also believe in the Firmament. Flat Earthers also tend to be moon landing deniers. Since the Firmament and moon landing denials are such complicated subjects in themselves, I’ll be doing separate posts about them. What baffles me is why anyone thinks there’s some big coverup by scientists who don’t want the general populace to know the true shape of the earth. What would be the reason for that? It makes absolutely no sense. Artificial Satellite Theories Conspiracists have a variety of theories regarding satellites – ranging from “they don’t exist” to “they do exist, but…” Balloon Theory How do satellites not fall…

  • Bible Stories

    ๐Ÿ“œ Noah’s Ark (Part 1) ๐Ÿ“œ

    Young Earth Creationists (YECs), come in many flavors. Some insist the earth is only 6,000 years old. Others allow it could be as much as 10,000. Some believe there was a world wide flood. Some accept that maybe it was a massive regional flood. Some think dinosaurs never existed. Alternatively, some believe Noah had dinosaurs on the Ark. I’ll cover some of the various YEC convictions in future posts. This post is to specifically address the belief that there was a world wide flood, and Noah had dinosaurs and other now-extinct critters on the Ark. Having been raised in a YEC environment, I’m in the position of witnessing how the…

  • Politics

    Vance & Walz Battle it Out

    The Trump team couldn’t wait to find dirt on Walz to dig up. The only thing they could find was… he left the military before his unit deployed? Republicans seem to be drawing much of their slanderous remarks from this PAID attack ad dated November 2, 2018. Who are Paul Herr and Thomas Behrends? Are they real people? If they are, did they say what they did because they received monetary compensation to do so? In contrast, many who served with Walz are making opposite statements in support of Walz’s actions, although there is conflicting information about how sure or not sure the unit was about whether they would be…

  • Conspiracy Theories

    Kamala and Netflix and Things

    Nothing to see here – just the usual Trump and his supporters spreading false information without ever checking the facts. I want to point out I’m politically in the middle leaning right. That means I don’t automatically support Kamala. She’s done some things I find admirable, but in some things she’s further left than I’m comfortable with. Interestingly, some Democrats feel that she’s not liberal enough. Of course, those on the far right think she’s too liberal. How she would pan out as a President remains to be seen, assuming she’s elected. I’m for truth, and I want to combat the moronic memes and rumors flying around social media. Harris…

  • Lifestyle

    Houston, We Have a Fashion

    I’ve seen many documentaries about space missions, from old black & white ones to new ones, covering the very earliest missions, and on through to the present. I have found it very interesting to note the changing clothing styles of the scientists and engineers as the years have passed. In the late 50s to early 60s, all the scientists and engineers wore suits and ties, and were very neat and clean cut, reflecting most workplaces. Well, the men did. The women behind the scenes wore proper dresses. As time moved through the mid 60s into the late 60s, I’ve noticed more and more of them were slowly transitioning to colored…

  • History

    Shrunken Heads for Inflated Egos

    The 1500s was the Age of Exploration, as ships became faster and more efficient, if not necessarily safer. Adventure seekers traversed the world and brought home every kind of curiosity and artifact from distant lands. These oddities were in great demand by collectors, who clamored for the strange, bizarre and unusual, and Cabinets of Curiosity became a focal point in upper class homes. The Cabinet of Curiosity displayed everything from fossils to strange stuffed animals to tribal masks, and anything else to impress guests and spark debates about the nature of the offbeat items. The more absurd and gruesome, the better. Then in 1798, Napoleon conquered Egypt, and within a…

  • Points to Ponder

    My Science, My Religion

    I never intended to write this post In my cloud drive, I have a folder full of subfolders and links and lots of notes for the science and history posts I plan to write. And I have reminders about personal experiences I’ll tell about. This post was never planned, but I’m getting so frustrated, I need to write it. I badly want to “be myself” in sciency discussions at Facebook and Quora, but I get attacked from two sides. If I agree with any science that science denying Christians (especially Young Earth Creationists), perceive as going against the Bible, they say I can’t possibly be a Christian. If I state…