Trump’s Hurricane Lies Continue
This is the worst response to a storm or a catastrophe or a hurricane that we’ve ever seen ever. Trump said that. Of course it’s not true. I’ve watched countless press conferences given by both Republican and Democrat leaders in the affected Helene areas. I see a common theme. They are praising the Biden administration for the relief response, they are saying FEMA is doing their job, and they are angry at Trump for his lies about the situation. Yes, the Republican leaders are angry at Trump. The Biden administration announced 100% of reimbursement of local Helene response. This is typical of a presidential administration during a catastrophe, except when…
Hurricane Helene Hoaxes
I wanted to write a post debunking all the conspiracies but there are so many, it’s impossible. So I’ll just make a few brief points. Authorities are keeping rescuers out of affected areas It is true that restrictions had to be imposed in some of the more accessible towns due to two reasons: [1] They had to run looters out and they are trying to keep those from coming back, and [2] Conditions are dangerous and they’re trying to make sure experienced (and legit) relief teams only are going in.. Helicopter woes: It’s apparently true that a Fire Chief prevented a pilot from his rescue efforts. I haven’t confirmed it,…
Mini Moon Madness
You’ve probably heard about the Mini Moon that will be visiting Earth for a few weeks this fall. This is an tiny asteroid named 2024PT5. And boy howdy, the conspiracy theories are oozing out of the woodwork. Everything from, It signals the coming of the Anunnaki to “They” are planting it in the sky to divert our attention from some unnamed nefarious activity they will be engaging in. It’s probably no surprise that many who find 2024PT5 alarming are also believers in a Flat Earth There are more than 34,000 known near-Earth asteroids and another 120 known near-Earth comets. Now and again one gets too close to the Earth and…
Flat Earth Conspiracy
Most people who believe in the Flat Earth also believe in the Firmament. Flat Earthers also tend to be moon landing deniers. Since the Firmament and moon landing denials are such complicated subjects in themselves, I’ll be doing separate posts about them. What baffles me is why anyone thinks there’s some big coverup by scientists who don’t want the general populace to know the true shape of the earth. What would be the reason for that? It makes absolutely no sense. Artificial Satellite Theories Conspiracists have a variety of theories regarding satellites – ranging from “they don’t exist” to “they do exist, but…” Balloon Theory How do satellites not fall…
Kamala and Netflix and Things
Nothing to see here – just the usual Trump and his supporters spreading false information without ever checking the facts. I want to point out I’m politically in the middle leaning right. That means I don’t automatically support Kamala. She’s done some things I find admirable, but in some things she’s further left than I’m comfortable with. Interestingly, some Democrats feel that she’s not liberal enough. Of course, those on the far right think she’s too liberal. How she would pan out as a President remains to be seen, assuming she’s elected. I’m for truth, and I want to combat the moronic memes and rumors flying around social media. Harris…
Project 2025
I’m seeing a lot of alarmist posts on Facebook about something called Project 2025. If Trump gets elected (again), Project 2025 will go into effect and all this horrible stuff is going to happen. People who are scared don’t understand about Lobbyist Groups and how things work in Washington. Project 2025 is a proposal by the Heritage Foundation. A proposal is something that a lobbyist group presents to Congress saying, this is something we would like to see happen. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of lobbyist groups presenting hundreds of proposals all the time. 99.999% of proposals fail. Congress looks, says nah, and goes on to the next proposal. On…
The Joro Spider
Yet another case of people sharing alarmist memes without checking the facts. Even some of the news media are spinning the misinformation. The Joro Spider (Trichonephila clavata), is related to golden orb garden spiders, which many people are familiar with. The Joro is found in many areas in Asia, but since about 2013 or 2014, it’s been spreading throughout parts of southern and eastern United States. Scientists think they arrived as stowaways on cargo ships. Female have blue and yellow banded legs and back, and asymmetrical red, yellow, and black markings on their abdomen. Males are plain brown. Like many other spiders, baby Joros will spin a parachute-like web to…
Nephilim Giant Ring
New conspiracy! This just started showing up in the last few days on Facebook, YouTube and TikTok. This text accompanies the image or video: Possible Nephilim Giant ring reported to have been found in a quarry dating back 13,000 years ago. Is this the jewelry of a giant from ancient times? Or was this created more recently? If it’s true, what would be the size of this Nephilim? The image was stolen from Antiques Roadshow. See for yourself in This Video Clip The object in question is an ankle bracelet from the late 1800s. Don’t share that nonsensical hoax.
Bioengineered Foods – What’s the Big Deal?
I don’t understand why this bioengineered subject has exploded all over the Internet like it’s something new. For several decades now, if you are buying food which is not labeled organic or non-GMO, then you are consuming bio-engineered ingredients, and lots of them. The only thing new is, that the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Law went into effect. Companies used to have no requirement to disclose this information. Now they do. I want to make it clear that I’m not “for” bioengineered foods. I try to avoid them as much as my budget will allow. What I’m objecting to is the misinformation, panic, and downright silliness concerning the subject. The…
Conspiracies, Science Denials & Hoaxes – Intro
This is an introduction to a series of posts I’ll be writing about conspiracy theories and science deniers. Before I begin, I have a couple of opening remarks: [1] Some people use religion (usually the Bible), to “prove” their points. I will be using religion to answer these arguments. Sorry if that offends anyone, but that’s how it is. The Bible is a valuable spiritual guide, but to use it to disprove science or prove a conspiracy theory is to desecrate it. The Bible is to be used for growing spiritually, and to use as a teaching tool to help your fellow Believers grow spiritually. It’s never for shoving into…
The Ben Ben Stone
I frequently see posts on social media and elsewhere on the internet about the Ben Ben Stone. The text accompanying the photo varies, but typically goes something like this: The Pyramid of Ben Ben has puzzled scientists for thousands of years and until now they have not been able to solve the puzzle. The pyramid is located in the Egyptian Museum. The pyramid is made of black iron stone, which is only found in space in space meteorites. All its components do not exist on the face of the Earth.. And here the second puzzle appears because it is iron stone, which is very impossible and difficult to shape and…
Oh No! A Solar Eclipse!
So… we’re going to have a Solar Eclipse on April 8. What a bunch of ridiculous conspiracy theories and misinformation springing up ahead of this event. The above meme and similar ones are popping up on social media, accompanied by every kind of alarmist drivel people can dream up. Does nobody read past the headlines, or try to confirm the truth of a matter? I just asked a dumb question. People don’t. Yes, authorities are advising residents who are in the path of the eclipse to be prepared. But if alarmists would bother to find out why- it has ZERO to do with the eclipse itself. The eclipse is a…